Important notice: Water Main Break - 42nd Avenue

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Follow-up: Water main breakage - Rue Leduc and Place Chestnut

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The SVP-MERCI Program was created to identify recurrent problems involving failure to respect speed limits and mandatory stops in Pincourt’s streets.

Launched in conjunction with the Sûreté du Québec in 2010, the program aims to streamline road safety operations. SVP-MERCI is in fact an acronym for “Surveillance des Vitesses Potentielles et Mesures et Équipements de Réduction et Contrôle des Impacts.”

The principle behind the program is to focus on prevention in order to strengthen residents’ sense of personal safety. By paying attention to your concerns, the Town is better able to enforce its road safety by-laws.

(Note that requests cannot be made anonymously.)

  • How to report a violation

    Have you noticed that cars are driving too fast on a particular section of a road on a daily basis? Or that cars often fail to come to a complete stop on your street? If so, report the problem to the SVP-MERCI Program.

    Here’s how:

    1. Fill out a complaint form by using the Contact us section. In the Subject box, choose the option SVP-MERCI request. In the Description box, be sure to clarify the situation by indicating whether it is a recurrent speed problem or stop omission, the relevant streets and the time of the week when the problem occure.
    2. Call 514 453-8981, ext. 375, and leave a message on the SVP-MERCI Program’s voice mailbox.
    3. Note that requests made anonymously will not be processed.

    In your message, be sure to leave:

    • Your name
    • Your contact information
    • A description of the problem (speeding or failure to make a stop)
    • The name of the street
    • The intersection in question, if relevant
    • The time of day when the problem occurs, if relevant

    Remember that the SVP-MERCI Program was designed to address recurring incidents of speeding and failure to stop, meaning events that occur on a daily basis. This program is not designed to handle isolated incidents.

    If at any time a driver is posing a danger for the safety of others, contact the Sûreté du Québec directly and right away at 310-4141, or call 9-1-1.