Backflow Prevention Devices Grant: Form Available

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Using synthetic pesticides outdoors at any time has been prohibited since May 8, 2012, with some exceptions. This restriction applies both to private citizens and specialized companies that apply these products.

You can have a beautiful lawn even without using pesticides. 

A new by-law has been issued for the use of pesticides on the territory of the Town of Pincourt.

It has been in force since June 1, 2023.

Bylaw 925 stipulates that the use of a pesticide is prohibited on the exterior of a building.

However, the application of low-impact pesticides, such as Borax, insecticidal soap, etc., is authorized without a permit. For the ingredients of a low-impact pesticide, see Bylaw 925, Annex 2.

Please note that synthetic pesticides are prohibited (Glyphosate, neonicotinoids, permethrin, etc.). Synthetic pesticides are products containing chemical molecules manufactured in laboratories.

Synthetic pesticides are harmful to health and the environment.  

For more details on prohibited ingredients ( Annex 1), exceptions (Section II, Art. 4.), temporary permits (Art.5), etc., please consult the regulation on the website: Regulation 925 respecting the outdoor use of pesticides and fertilizers.


  • By-law 925 - Regulation on the outdoor use of pesticides and fertilizers

    By-law concerning the outdoor use of pesticides and fertilizers replacing by-law number 824.

    For full details of the by-law, please consult here: By-law 925

  • Obtaining temporary permits

    In a few exceptional cases, residents can obtain a temporary permit to apply pesticides, at no cost. You will have to contact the Urban Planning Department and fill out a form.

    Please be sure to have the following information on hand:

    The name of the harmful insect or plant requiring the use of pesticides
    Certification of the infestation from a qualified expert, including a history of the problem and the means used to prevent or resolve it
    The trade name and active ingredient in the product to be used, along with the application schedule
    The name of the registered contractor responsible for performing the work, if any
    The temporary permit is valid for 14 days following the date of issue.

    No permits are required to apply low-impact pesticides, meaning organic pesticides, horticultural oils and active ingredients authorized by Quebec’s Pesticides Management Code.


    Urban Planning Service
    514 453-8981, ext. 330 or

  • Registry of registered companies

    (Register valid for 2024).

  • 5 questions to ask your contractor

    Lawn treatments and extermination (including spider control)

    1) Are you registered with the city?
    All contractors must hold an annual registration certificate to apply a pesticide to the exterior of a building on the Town of Pincourt territory. 
    Art 7.1 : No person may apply pesticides, low-impact pesticides or fertilizers on behalf of another unless he or she holds a valid annual registration certificate issued by the Town for that purpose.

    2) What are the active ingredients in the products you use?

    It's important to be aware of the risks to human and animal health and to the environment associated with pesticides. The contractor must be transparent with you. It is the contractor's responsibility to advise you on good cultural practices. Please note that synthetic pesticides are prohibited (Glyphosate, neonicotinoids, permethrin, etc.). Synthetic pesticides are products containing chemical molecules manufactured in laboratories.

    3) Does the applicator wear safety equipment?
    As a general rule, anyone applying a pesticide or spreading fertilizer must always wear gloves, safety goggles, overalls and boots. The product label specifies the equipment required to protect the applicator's health.

    4) What measures should I take to protect my family and pets?
    The contractor must explain preventive measures such as closing windows. To protect the neighbourhood, the contractor must leave at least one sign in the front yard, even if the treatment was carried out on the building or in the backyard. You and the contractor are jointly responsible for leaving the sign in place for 72 hours after application. As a precaution, we recommend that you do not trample or allow animals to walk in the treated area for at least 72 hours. 

    5) What are the environmental and health risks?
    It's important to be aware of the risks to human and animal health and the environment associated with pesticides. The contractor must explain the risks associated with using a product, even if it's a "biopesticide" or low-impact pesticide. In fact, there is no such thing as zero risk, and all pesticides generally have a negative effect. You can consult the SAGE pesticides website ( to better understand a product's label. 
    If you have been affected by pesticides, call the Centre Antipoison du Québec at 1 800 463-5060. If your condition is serious, go to the hospital with the label or the name and registration number of the product.

    To file a complaint or if you have any questions: Voila! (environmental nuisance) or Service de l'aménagement du territoire (option 2)