Work completed: Water main break on Place Chestnut

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Preventive Boil Water Advisory: Section of Boul. Olympique, 24th, 25th and 26th avenues

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Access to Information and Protection of Personal Information

Since the Town of Pincourt is a public body, it is subject to the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, CQLR c. A-2.1.

The application of the Act is the responsibility of a person designated by the Town and referred to as "the person in charge".

This legislation guarantees that you have access to all existing documents that the Town possesses in the performance of its duties and that are not subject to any restriction on their disclosure. It also entitles you to access any personal information that is held by the Town and concerns you, unless an exception is provided for in the Act or in any other law.

For this Act to apply, a request must be made for a document, not just information. Thus, if there are no records to respond to the request, the person responsible for access will be justified in not providing any records to that effect.

  • How to file an access-to-information request?


    To file an access-to-information request, proceed as follow:


    1. Fill in the form Request for access to a document : FORM       OR
    2. Write a letter to the person in charge of access to information:

    Me Charlotte Gagné
    Town Clerk
    919, chemin Duhamel
    Pincourt (Québec)
    J7W 4G8

    In your letter, be as specific as possible so that the document in question (subject, year, etc.) can be identified. Be sure to include your name, address and telephone number.

    You can send your request either the form or the letter by:

    a. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt with additional instructions in case you wish to submit an application to the Commission d’accès à l’information.

    b. Once your application has been processed, you will receive a letter with information on document reproduction costs. Upon receipt of the indicated amount, the Town will make the photocopies.

  • Fees

    Fees for hard (paper) copies are $0.42 a sheet (subject to change).

    Certain documents, like architectural plans, are too big to be scanned internally and sent by e-mail. You must therefore come and pick them up at the Town Hall and pay the associated reproduction costs.

    Any mailing costs will also be charged. To save these costs, you may pick up your documents at Town Hall.

  • Response time

    Under the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, the person in charge of access to information must respond to your request within 20 days of receiving it.

    If necessary, that period may be extended by 10 days. You will be informed if this is the case.

  • Appeal to the Commission d’accès à l’information

    Upon the expiry of this period, any lack of a response from the Town is deemed to be a refusal to address your request. In this event, you can submit your written request to the Commission d’accès à l’information.

    If the Town responds to your request but you’re not satisfied with the outcome, you can also apply for a review of the Town’s decision to the Commission d’accès à l’information within 30 days of the decision date.

  • Protection of personal information

    The Politique-cadre sur la gouvernance quant à la confidentialité et la protection des renseignements personnels (Privacy and Confidentiality Governance Framework Policy) forms the basis of the governance rules applicable to the Town's activities with regard to the management and protection of personal information.

    To this end, it :

    • sets out the principles governing the City's governance of personal information throughout its life cycle and the exercise of the rights of the individuals concerned;
    • ensures compliance with legal obligations regarding the protection of personal information;
    • defines the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved;
    • sets out the process for handling complaints relating to the protection of personal information;
    • describes the training and awareness activities offered by the city to its employees.

    To consult the complete document (English version coming soon) :