Staff Directory
You will find in this section the staff phone directory of Pincourt.
Town Management, Clerk Office and IT The Town Manager’s Office, Clerk office coordinates, supervises and administers all Town of Pincourt activities, in addition to advising its elected representatives and implementing their decisions in a manner consistent with its guidelines, philosophy, and values.
Phone: 514 453-8981, option 3 | Fax: 514 453-0934
E-mail: conseil@villepincourt.qc.caMe Etienne
Bergevin Byette, MPATown Manager Me Charlotte Gagné Deputy Town Manager & Town Clerk
Responsible for the protection of personal information
Vincent Chayer Archivist 514 453-8981 Ext. 299 Nathalie Chénier Deputy Town Clerk 514 453-8981 Ext. 351 Marie Guernon Administrative Assistant to the Human Resources Department, General Management and Mayor's Office 514 453-8981 Ext. 366 Simon Grenier Project Manager 514 453-8981 Ext. 230 Manon Hebert Secretary-Receptionist 514 453-8981 Ext. 320 Éric Martel Assistant Civil Protection Coordinator 514 453-8981 Ext. 221 Martine Martin Administrative Assistant to the clerk's office 514 453-8981 Ext. 346 Luc Jollet IT Chief officer 514 453-8981 -
Human Resources Department The mission of the Human Resources Department is to advise and assist the Town in managing human resources, benefits, labour relations, and organizational development.
Phone: 514 453-8981, option 4 | Fax: 514 453-0934
E-mail: rh-hr@villepincourt.qc.caSharon Dol Human Resources Director 514 453-8981 Ext. 367 Marie Guernon Administrative Assistant to the Human Resources Department, General Management and Mayor's Office 514 453-8981 Ext. 366 -
Administrative and Financial Department The Administrative and Financial Department sees to the sound management of the Town of Pincourt’s public funds and provides specialized expertise in accounting, finance, taxation, compensation and the budget process, in accordance with all applicable laws, by-laws, and policies.
Phone: 514 453-8981, option 1 | Fax: 514 453-0934
E-mail: taxes@villepincourt.qc.caNathalie Boisvert Director Johanne Bertrand Assistant Treasurer Linda Gaboury Accounting Clerk
Perception, Taxation and Evaluation
514 453-8981 Ext. 326 Antonela Isac Accounting Clerk
Johanne Lemay Accounting Clerk
SalaryJohanne Raymond Accounting Clerk
Accounts Payable514 453-8981 Ext. 323 Diane Raymond Accounting Clerk
Secretary514 453-8981 Ext. 361 -
Communication Department The Communication Department ensures the dissemination of information to target audiences.
Phone: 514 453-8981, option 8 | Fax: 514 453-0934
E-mail: communication@villepincourt.qc.caVicky Sauvé Director of Communications and Citizen Relations
514 453-8981
Ext. 220
Laurianne Martel Communications Officer
514 453-8981
Ext. 377
Mélanie Renauld Graphic Designer
Urban Planning Department The Urban Planning Department is responsible for reviewing the Town’s development plans in light of municipal guidelines, issuing the permits and certificates required for various projects, and following up on complaints concerning failure to comply with municipal by-laws.
Phone: 514 453-8981, option 2 | Fax: 514 453-0934
E-mail: permis@villepincourt.qc.caRichard Dubois Director 514 453-8981 Ext. 331 Max Gosselin Urban planning, environment and Public Security Director 514 453-8981 Ext. 333 Laura Nichols-Rossignol Urban planning and inspection Consultant 514 453-8981 Ext. 336 Christopher Massé Environment Consultant 514 453-8981 Ext. 330 Marcel Lamoureux Public security Coordonator Manon Hébert Secretary -Receptionist 514 453-8981 Ext. 332 -
Public Works and Urban Infrastructure Department The mission of the Public Works and Urban Infrastructure Department is to maintain municipal infrastructure (water and sewage systems, streets, sidewalks, parks, etc.) and to provide collection services for garbage, large items, branches, etc.
Phone: 514 453-8981, option 5 | Fax: 514 453-0934
E-mail: garage@villepincourt.qc.caPhilippe Renaud Public Works Director 514 453-8981 Poste 378 Jean-Michel Lafleur, ing. Urban Infrastructure Director 514 453-8981 Poste 209 Judith Préfontaine Division Manager -
Wastewater Treatment Plant
514 453-8981 Poste 205 Yvon Bessette Foreman 514 453-8981 Poste 384 Jean-Guy Rousseau Foreman 514 453-8981 Poste 385 Marie-Hélen Dionne Storekeeper and interim foreman 514 453-8981 Poste 387 Geneviève Paquin Secretary 514 453-8981 Poste 383 Patricia Robichaud Secretary-Receptionist 514 453-8981 Poste 381 -
Recreation and Community Services The Recreation and Community Service provides citizens with a wide variety of recreational, cultural, and community support services and programs to enhance their quality of life and community development.
Phone: 514 453-8981, option 6 | Fax: 514 453-1839
E-mail: loisirs@villepincourt.qc.caFrancis Hamel Recreation and Community Services Director 514 453-8981 Ext. 242 Jean Laflèche Coordinator of Seasonal Employees and Facilities 514 453-8981 Ext. 228 Melanie Bergevin Head of Division -
Recreation, Culture and Events514 453-8981 Ext. 245 Sabrina Martel Social Development Agent 514 453-8981 Ext. 273 Cindy Lessard Coordinator - Animation and Recreation 514 453-8981 Ext. 246 Palina Zhardzetskaya Secretary 514 453-8981 Ext. 229 Library
Phone: 514 453-8981, ext. 214 | Fax: 514 453-1839
E-mail: bibliotheque@villepincourt.qc.caMireille Péladeau Library Technician 514 453-8981 Ext. 213 -
Emergency and Fire Protection Department The Emergency and Fire Protection Department has a twofold mission: first, to prevent fires through education and by-laws; second, to respond to emergencies. It also provides first-responder services for emergencies of a medical nature.
Phone: 514 453-8981, option 7| Fax: 514 453-0934
E-mail: incendie@villepincourt.qc.caYanick Bernier Director Stéphane Séguin Assistant Director Nicolas Demurtas Prevention Captain 514 453-8981 Ext. 362 Judith Boyer Preventionist
514 453-8981 Ext. 363 Véronique Michaud Secretary 514 453-8981 Ext. 335 -
Computer Department Luc Jollet Head of Division IT 514 453-8981 Ext. 303