Call for projects

The 2024-2025 project call offers a $15,000 fund for initiatives led by citizens, non-profit organizations, schools, and/or artists, aimed at fostering social development in Pincourt. Applications are open from September 16 to October 16, 2024.

For more information, contact Sabrina Martel, Social and Community Development Agent: 514 453-8981, ext. 273.

  • What is municipal social development?

    For over 10 years, the Town has had a social development policy and action plan. Updated in 2022, this policy sets out the vision of social development in Pincourt and the objectives on which we are working to improve living conditions in the municipality.

    For Pincourt, "municipal social development aims to build a supportive, inclusive, and equitable community by building relationships between individuals and capitalizing on everyone's strengths. In concert with citizens and social development stakeholders, the Town acts to promote the quality of life and well-being of its population, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable."
  • Eligibility

    The call for projects is part of Pincourt's Social Development Action Plan. It aims to stimulate the implementation of community projects in Pincourt.

    Who can submit a project under this call?

    • Citizens
    • NPOs
    • Schools
    • Artists

    Here are some requirements for a project to be eligible:

    • The project must be linked to one of the orientations of Pincourt's 2022-2024 social development action plan.
    • The project must directly benefit the citizens of Pincourt.
    • The project must contribute to social development in Pincourt.
    • The form must be completed and returned by email by October 16, 2024, to Sabrina Martel,

    If you have any questions about the eligibility of your project, please contact Sabrina Martel, the Social Development Agent at 514-453-8981 ext. 273.


  • Form
  • Selected projects in 2023-2024

    Association des personnes d’origine africaine et caribéenne de Vaudreuil Soulanges et de Beauharnois de Salaberry (APOAC)

    C’est bon pour le moral: presentation of a series of five (5) awareness capsules on the mental health of the Afro-Caribbean community.