Work completed: Water main break on Place Chestnut

Émise le

Preventive Boil Water Advisory: Section of Boul. Olympique, 24th, 25th and 26th avenues

Émise le


In this section, you will find answers to the Urban Planning Department's most frequently asked questions.

  • Winter carport

    Associated by-law: By-law 780, article 123 - Règlement de zonage et de plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale

    Only one seasonal carport is permitted per lot from October 15 to April 15 of the following year.


    - It must be erected on a parking space.
    - It must be kept clean and in good condition.
    - It must be made of an industrially manufactured tubular metal frame, covered with no more than two non-rigid materials per shelter.

  • Watering

    Associated by-law: By-law 841-3 - Règlement concernant l'usage de l'eau de l'aqueduc municipal

    What is allowed
    You have the right to water your lawn and hedges with a sprinkler hose, porous hose or automatic system during the following hours and days:

    • From 8 p.m. to 10 p.m;
    • Monday and Thursday 

    At any time, you can use a watering can or hose with a stopping device to manually water:

    • Your garden
    • Your flower boxes and planters
    • Your flowerbeds
    • Your trees and bushes

    You can wash your car at any time using a water bucket or a hose equipped with an automatic shutoff.

    It is forbidden, at any time, to wash car entrances, parking lots, sidewalks and patios.

    It is forbidden to use a garden hose that flows continuously, with no stopping device.


    Pincourt-arrosage-8.5x11-2023-ENG.jpg (132 KB)

  • Noise

    Associated by-law: By-law 868, article 39 - Règlement relatif aux nuisances, à l'entretien et la salubrité des immeubles

    It is forbidden to make or be the immediate reason for any excessive noise.

    Sound made by an animal

    As a guardian or owner, it is forbidden to tolerate an animal barking, meowing, singing, or expressing itself in a repetitive manner so as to disturb the peace of the neighbourhood.

    Mowers and trimmers

    No person shall operate a lawn mower or lawn tractor, edger, chain saw, leaf blower or any other power tool outside the permitted hours detailed in the table below:

      Monday   Tuesday Wednesday  Thursday    Friday  Saturday   Sunday Statutory   Holiday

























    Construction work

    No person shall perform or allow any construction, repair or demolition work on a building or part of a building or perform any other work on a building outside the permitted hours detailed in the table below:

       Monday    Tuesday  Wednesday   Thursday     Friday    Saturday    Sunday






















  • Cats and dogs

    Associated by-law: By-law 900 - Règlement d'application de la Loi visant à favoriser la protection des personnes par la mise en place d'un encadrement concernant les chiens et le contrôle des animaux

    Reminder of the rules to respect:

    - It is authorized to have four animals per residence, including a maximum of two dogs.

    - When walking outside your property, the dog must have a leash on with a maximum length of 1.80 meters (6 feet) at all times.

    - You must immediately pick up after your pet and dispose of it in a sanitary manner.

    - Dogs are strictly prohibited in Town parks and grounds, with the exception of the dog park. Dogs will only be allowed in parks where there are trails.

    - The Town recommends spaying and neutering of pets.

    Licence required

    A permanent, non-transferable license is mandatory during the lifetime of your dog or cat.

    Cost of license
    $30 (indivisible and non-refundable)

    How to obtain a license?

    Fill out this form: Registering an animal

    Please return the completed form:
    - By email:

    - In person, at Town Hall, by appointment (514 453-8981, ext. 326)

    - At Town Hall, in the chute at the entrance of the building 

    - By mail:
    Pincourt Town Hall
    919 Duhamel Road
    Pincourt (Quebec) J7W 4G8

    You will receive a metal medallion by mail, or in person at Town Hall, which your pet must wear at all times.

    Methods of payment

    • Cheque
    • At your banking institution. Contact us for the procedure to follow: 514 453-8981, ext. 326.
    • Debit, cash, or cheque, in person at Town Hall: 514 453-8981, extension 326
  • Storage of Recreative Vehicules

    Associated by-law: By-law 780, article 132,1 - Règlement de zonage et de plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale 

    From March 15 to November 1 of the same year, the following recreational vehicles are permitted in the front yard:

    • Tent trailers
    • Boats
    • All-terrain vehicles
    • Motorized dwellings
    • Trailers


    From November 15 to April 15 of the same year, snowmobiles including their trailers are permitted in the front yard.

    Otherwise, storage is permitted in the side or rear yard (if space is available).

  • Accessory equipment

    Associated by-law: By-law 780, article 119 - Règlement de zonage et de plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale 

    The following appliances are prohibited in the front yard and must be installed a minimum of 2 metres from property lines:

    • Air conditioning units
    • Ventilation equipment
    • Heat pumps
    • Oil tanks
    • Gas cylinders and tanks

    These appliances must be hidden from the street.

    A heat pump has a maximum noise level of 50 decibels.

  • Outdoor fires

    Associated by-law: By-law 772 - Relatif à la prévention des incendies

    Open air fires are prohibited in Pincourt.

    However, fires are permitted in an outdoor solid fuel appliance, between 6 p.m. and midnight. Only one outdoor appliance is permitted in the backyard of a building.

    Requirements to be respected:

    • Minimum distance from a building or property line: 3 m
    • Fireplace not permitted on a balcony or combustible surface.
    • The fireplace must be equipped with a spark screen with wire mesh whose openings have a maximum diameter of 12 millimeters.
    • Maximum height of the fireplace: 2.3 m

    In addition, when a person uses or allows the use of a solid fuel appliance, all of the following conditions must be met:

    • Only dry wood may be used as fuel;
    • The solid fuel burning appliance shall not be used to incinerate rubbish or woody material other than dry wood intended for that purpose;
    • Combustible materials may not exceed the height of the appliance hearth;
    • The solid fuel appliance must be in good working order;
    • All lighting of fires or fires must be under the constant supervision of an adult;
    • Any person who lights or allows a fire to be lit on a solid fuel burning appliance outdoors must ensure that there is a means of extinguishing the fire quickly on the premises, such as a bucket of water, hose, fire extinguisher or other similar device;
    • Any person who lights, allows to be lit or is on the premises where a solid fuel appliance fire is lit, shall act in such a way as to prevent or eliminate any spread of flames;
    • Any use of a solid fuel burning appliance, other than one designed and intended for the purpose of cooking food, shall be made between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and midnight.

    Smoke nuisance

    Outdoor fires, in a regulated fireplace, are permitted provided that the smoke does not disturb the neighbourhood.

  • Front yard garden

    Associated by-law: By-law 780, article 119 - Règlement de zonage et de plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale 

    A garden is permitted in the front yard provided that it is located at least 1 m from any property line. The garden must not be located within 3 m of a sidewalk, curb, or bicycle path.

  • Parking

    Associated by-law: By-law 846 - Règlement relatif au stationnement

    It is forbidden to abandon or leave a vehicle unoccupied on a public road for an uninterrupted period of more than 72 hours.

    No parking

    It is forbidden to park a vehicle:

    • On a sidewalk or a median
    • Within five metres of a fire hydrant or a stop sign
    • In an intersection or on a pedestrian crossing
    • In a school drop-off area
    • In front of a specially designed curb ramp or in a parking space reserved for people with disabilities
    • In the opposite direction of traffic
    • In a space identified by a hatch mark or an X
    • On private land without the owner’s permission
    • On a public road for the purpose of selling it
    • In a place where a sign indicates no parking
    • On a bicycle path between May 1 and October 1
    • In a reserved lane for emergency services

    Winter - Day parking

    From November 15 to April 1 inclusive, between 7 a.m. and midnight, motorists may park their cars as follows*:

    Side of the street with even-numbered addresses
    Even dates
    Side of the street with odd-numbered addresses
    Odd dates

    *EXCEPTION: This regulation doesn’t apply in areas where signage indicates otherwise.

    Winter - Overnight parking

    Street parking is prohibited from midnight to 7 a.m. from November 15 to April 1.

  • Garage sales

    Associated by-law: By-law 780, article 118 - Règlement de zonage et de plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale 

    Garage sales are permitted on three weekends per year for a maximum of three consecutive days.

    • Authorized weekends: National Patriots' Day (May), Quebec National Holiday (June) and Labour Day (September).
    • Garage sales are permitted between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
    • Only one promotional sign (0.60 m2) is authorized on the sale site. It may be installed four days prior to the day of the sale and must be removed immediately after the sale.