Backflow Prevention Devices Grant: Form Available

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NOTICE - Ongoing Real Estate Valuation

Pincourt residents will receive a letter regarding the assessment of their residence.

The Town of Pincourt has commissioned the firm  LBP for this task.

This assessment is conducted every 9 years, and citizen collaboration is requested to fill out the online form.

Why conduct this visit and inventory?

- To determine the true value of your residence. We are obligated to do this because it is a government requirement. The Act respecting municipal taxation,CQLR c. F-2.1. mandates this obligation in Article 36.1. This obligation has been enshrined in law since 1988.

36.1. The assessor shall, at least every nine years, verify the accuracy of the data in his possession concerning each unit of assessment.

Will this increase my taxes?

- It might change the value of your property, depending on the renovations that have been done. For 2024, there are no implications in the vast majority of cases. For 2025, with the new assessment roll coming into effect, the city will adjust the tax rate based on the increase to prevent overtaxing citizens

For more information, please contact the number provided in the letter:
514 384-4221, extension 8051 OR by email at

Thank you for your cooperation.