WARNING: Winter Storm

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NOTICE: Winter Storm Warning

Émise le

Snow removal operation - February 14 to 17, 2025

Émise le


The texts presented on this page do not in any way replace the official by-laws of the Town of Pincourt. Please be advised that the official text always takes precedence. Specific standards may apply to your situation.

Associated by-law: Règlement de zonage et de plans d'implantation et d'intégration architecturale - Number 780, sections 82-86, 106 and 119

Permit: mandatory except for the installation of a hedge

Cost of permit: $40

Validity of the permit: 12 months

For questions or to apply for a permit, contact:

Urban Planning Department
Tel: 514 453-8981, ext. 332
Email: permis@villepincourt.qc.ca

  • Required documents

    Required documents:

    - Copy of your certificate of location, indicating the location of your fence or retaining wall, its dimensions, its height, and the distances from the property lines and the house
    - Type of fence or retaining wall to be installed (covering, materials)
    - Name and contact information of the contractor
    - Total cost of work (copy of bid or contract)
    - Timeline (date of completion and completion of work)
    - Engineer's approved plan for retaining wall exceeding 1.5 m in height

  • Requirements to be met

    General Requirements to be met:

    - No fences, walls, or hedges in the right-of-way
    - Must be well maintained
    - Minimum distance from a fire hydrant: 2.5 m


    - Location: in the backyard or side yard
    - Maximum height: 1.80 m
    - If you plan to install the fence directly on the property line(s), it becomes a common fence. You will have to write a letter of power of attorney signed with your neighbors.


    - Maximum height (in the front yard): 1 m
    - Maximum height (in rear and side yard): no height limit