WARNING: Winter Storm

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NOTICE: Winter Storm Warning

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Snow removal operation - February 14 to 17, 2025

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Intergenerational Dwelling

The texts presented on this page do not in any way replace the official by-laws of the Town of Pincourt. Please be advised that the official text always takes precedence. Specific standards may apply to your situation.

Associated by-law: By-law 780, article 223 - Règlement de zonage et de plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale

Permit: mandatory

Cost of permit: $40

Permit validity: 12 months

For questions or to apply for a permit, contact:

Urban Planning Department
Tel: 514 453-8981, ext. 332
Email: permis@villepincourt.qc.ca

  • Required documents

    - Building plan
    - In the case of an extension, a site plan is required.
    - Contractor's estimate
    - Work schedule
    - Proof of family relationship